Update your insurance file

You're here because of a letter or email you received about updating your insurance file. We work with your agent to confirm your file is updated properly. The process only takes a few minutes.


We work with your insurance agent

Insurance is a financial tool that protects your assets and your way of life.  However, your way of life is ever-changing. This is why we work with insurance professionals across America to ensure your information is kept up-to-date.  The more your information is kept updated, the better you are protected.


Why have I received this letter or email?

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How long will it take to

update my file?

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Who receives my information?

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Questions &


Why am I receiving this letter in the mail?

You received the letter or email from your insurance carrier because they need to verify that there has not been any changes to your coverage needs during the past 12 months.  Start your file update >

How long will it take to update my insurance file?

This depends on the number of policies you have with your insurance carrier and how many changes have taken place in the past 12 months. For example, if you only have auto insurance with your agent or company it should take less than 5 minutes. But no matter how many policies you have with your agent, you should be finished in 10 minutes or less.  Start your file update >

Who receives my information?

Once you update your file and submit your information, only your insurance carrier will receive the information. After your information is received, your insurance carrier may contact you with any follow-up questions. 
Start your file update >

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